ISSN 1846-6168 (Print)
ISSN 1848-5588 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor:
JIF (2023) = 0.7 (Q3)

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The Journal Tehnički glasnik – Technical Journal (TV-TJ) established in 2007 with the aim of publishing scientific and professional papers in the area of mechanical, electrical and civil engineering as well as their boundary areas. The Journal takes an integrated approach to all subjects related to research, design, manufacture, performance validation and application of different technical fields.

Upon its acceptance the paper is categorized as follows: original scientific paper, preliminary notes, subject review or professional paper.

Original scientific papers should report about original theoretical or practical research results. The given data must be sufficient in order to enable the experiment to be repeated with all effects described by the author, measurement results, or theoretical calculations.

Preliminary notes (Preliminary communication) present one or more new scientific results but without details that allow the reported data to be checked. The papers of this category inform about experimental research, small research projects, or progress reports that are of interest.

Subject reviews (Review papers) cover the state-of-art and tendencies in the development of a specific theory, technology and application with given remarks by the author. Such a paper ends with a list of references with all the necessary items in the related field.

Professional papers report on the original design of an instrument, device, or equipment not necessarily resulting from the original research. The paper contributes to the application of well-known scientific results and to their adaptation for practical use.

The author should propose and argument the category of the submitted article. Papers presented at scientific conferences can also be published in the Journal upon the agreement of the conference organizer and the author.

The scopes include:

  • Mechanical Engineering and Technology
  • Electrical Engineering and Technology
  • Civil Engineering and Technology
  • Electronics and Communication Engineering and Technology
  • Production Technology and Management
  • Design and Manufacturing Technology
  • Information Technology and Management Information System
  • Computer Engineering and Technology
  • Graphics and Multimedia
  • Architecture
  • Industrial Engineering Research and Development