ISSN 1846-6168 (Print)
ISSN 1848-5588 (Online)
Journal Impact Factor:
JIF (2023) = 0.7 (Q3)

The Journal is indexed or abstracted in:

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Content and Structure

The text of the paper shall be arranged in sections and when necessary into subsections. Sections are to be marked with one Arabic numeral and subsections with two Arabic numerals, e.g. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, ... When a subsection is arranged in smaller parts, each of them is marked with three Arabic numerals, e.g. 1.1.1, 1.1.2, ... Further divisions are not allowed.

The text shall be organized in the following order:

  • Title of the paper (not more than 15 words). Papers should be headed by a concise but informative title that clearly reflects the subject of the paper.
  • Authors' full names (without grades and ranks).
  • Abstract (not more than 150 words) should present a brief and factual account of content and conclusions of the paper, and an indication of the relevance of the new material presented.
  • Alphabetic list of keywords in English and in Croatian. Keywords normally originate from the title and from the abstract (not more than 10 words).
  • Introduction should state the reason for the work, with brief reference to previous work on the subject. It informs about the applied method and its advantages.
  • Central part of the paper may be arranged in sections. Complete mathematical procedures for formula derivations should be avoided. The necessary mathematical descriptions may be given in an appendix. Authors are advised to use examples to illustrate the experimental procedure, applications or algorithms. In general all the theoretical statements have to be experimentally verified.
  • In Conclusion all the results are stated, and all the advantages of the used method are pointed out. The limitations of the method should be clearly described as well as the application areas.
  • Acknowledgements can be added following the Conclusion.
  • List of references should be given at the end of the paper and numbered in square brackets in order of their appearance in the text followed by other literature.
  • Authors' full names (with grades and ranks) followed by the name and address of the institution at which the work was carried out.
  • List of used symbols and their SI units is optional after the list of references.

Text, Illustrations, Figures, Tables, and Equations

The paper should be written using Latin characters. Greek letters may be used for symbols. The volume of the paper is limited to 8 pages (Letter format). That includes blanks and equivalent number of characters covered by Figures and Tables. The number of pages must be even.

The text should be sent to the Editorial Board using online Paper Submission Tool (PST) or e-mail. For text preparation only MS Word for Windows i.e. *.doc, *.docx (Word Document) or *.rtf (Rich Text Format) format of records may be used. The text shall be prepared in accordance with the MS Word template.

The Editorial Board may exceptionally request a CD-ROM with recorded papers and Figures and Tables. In that case the Figures (drawings, diagrams and photographs) should be submitted stored on a CD-ROM in JPG/JPEG, PNG, TIF (TIFF Bitmap) or BMP (Windows Bitmap) format, min. resolution of 300 dpi. Each Figure is labelled the same as it is in the paper and recorded format (e.g. fig-1.JPG). If figures are inserted in the text they must be also of min. resolution of 300 dpi.

Latin or Greek characters in italics are used for physical symbols and normal characters for measuring units and numerical values. The text in Figures shall also be written in normal letters (see obligatory Quantities and Units: ISO 80 000 - Part 1 and Part 2). Character size is to be chosen on the basis of the following criteria: after expected Figure size reduction a capital Latin character should be about 2 mm high (no less than 6 pt).

All Figures in the Journal shall be printed in black-and-white technique. Coloured Figures will be seen only in PDF format on the Web address

Tables are created with the word processing program. Each Table is positioned in the desired place in the text. In case of decimal numbers use commas (e.g. 0,253); use a small gap separating the thousands (e.g. 25 000, but not in the case of 1500).

The captions under Figures and Table titles are only in English.

Section titles and titles of subsections are typed in small letters (Sentence case) only in English. Equations are numbered by Arabic numerals in parenthesis on the right margin of the text. In the text an equation is referenced by its number in parenthesis, e.g. "... from Eq. (5) follows ...".

Create equations using MS Word Equation Editor (some examples are given in the Instructions for Authors). (Note: if you convert and save your document as MS Word 2010 file and then add equations to it you will not be able to use previous versions of MS Word to change any of the new equations).

Figures and Tables are numbered by Arabic numerals (1 ÷ n). In the text the Figure or Table is referenced by its number (e.g. in Fig. 1, in Tab. 1, etc.).

When reference to literature is made the publication number from the list of references in square brackets is used, e.g. "... in [7] the authors showed ...". In the list of references the literature is cited in accordance with examples in Section References (as recommended by MZOS – Ministry of Science, Education and Sport) (the types of publications in Italic-Bold are only given as examples – do not write it in the final form of paper).

Download: Template and Instructions for Authors

How long does the review process take?

Most papers will be reviewed by two or more independent reviewers. They may also be read and considered by members of the Journal's Editorial Board and ultimately by the editor(s) before the decision is rendered. The reviewers are academics or professionals working in the respective field, who are also writers of papers themselves. They offer their time and their expertise voluntarily in order to assist in improving the papers and to encourage new research in their topic of interest. Delays will inevitably occur when reviewers are busy. They may have a number of journals sending them papers to be reviewed. Our Journal may also receive large quantities of submissions throughout the year. The Editorial Board members of our Journal work tirelessly to ensure that peer reviews are as timely and rigorous as possible. Waiting times can vary, depending on the subject area.

What are the benefits of online submission?

Online submissions by the Paper Submission Tool (PST) are automatically acknowledged. Authors can easily check the status of their submission during the review process. Papers are easier to track, amend, and update. It is a simple method of sharing documents and sending communications throughout the review process. Electronic submissions can also be edited more easily.

The Paper Submission Tool (PST) is a self-developed online tool based on our extensive experience and our needs.

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